Timothy Alexander Barnaby

Visual Art – Seattle

The work I will be showcasing is a mix of digital photography + digital painting and mixed media on canvas_______________________ I grew up with a parent in the ARMY during the late 80’s and 90’s. So, by the time I was in college it was the mid 2000’s and I had lived in over 8 states. I was a lil kid in Texas idolizing Selena when she was tragically shot. My first concert was a surprise Right Said Fred appearance at a random square in Berlin. This lifestyle brought with it endless first days and a seemingly constantly stream of introductions. For all of this and more I feel so incredibly lucky! I was given the chance to scour the country (and at the world) for new people and experiences. This natural sense of connectivity with people spurned a life long interest in cultures and languages that differ from what I know. This steered me to study Linguistics at Western Washington University, another part of my life I am incredibly lucky to have been granted. It was there I found the queer community and fell madly in love with myself and my people. In November of 2016 I found myself living in North Alabama, in a city I wasn’t in love with working a job a wasn’t wild about. I decided to make a change and pursue my passion for storytelling. I packed my entire life into my Honda fit named “Selena” and drove for the PNW. I now live in West Seattle and I spend as much time as I can creating. My creative process has a lot to do with emotional exploration, human bodies, queer themes and current affairs. I think it’s the role of the artist to express the sentiments the times; we reflect back our universe for others to consume and perhaps be changed by. My name is Timothy Alexander Barnaby, thank you for taking the time to consume a bit of me.