Visual Art – Pittsburgh

"Art is remedy for the mundane and opens up a new, personal world of sanity for me. I grew up in the country where we slept out on the trampoline most summer nights. I remember falling asleep with the moon as my blanket and the sun as my warm, gentile alarm clock. It’s hard to explain when you feel a connection to everything, but I do. That is why I truly believe that when you share what is deep inside, everyone can benefit". Michelle Piscitani is an American Artist of Italian and Hungarian descent. She thinks of herself as an otherworldly-dreaming gypsy and color addict. Her outgoing, optimistic personality shines through in every piece she creates. She is inspired by the connection of our bodies, our world and the universe. To Michelle, every body is a planet, every moon is an organism, and every drop of water, a universe. "Size, scale and importance is only a perception". Her wish is to hopefully inspire other artists to find their own unique style and to never compare themselves to anything but their own work. It's important to her that she shares her work to "respectfully add to the creative-collective pot".