
Visual Art – Omaha

\"Art should disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed.\" -Cesar Cruz I am making it up as I go along, life is a W.I.P. Born in Southwest Nebraska, I\'m a small town native. Known as an illustrator, painter, portraitist and muralist, my preferred mediums are charcoal and acrylic paint, but I dabble. I enjoy interpreting nature and miscellaneous details through bright, vivid paintings. Portraiture comes natural to me because I have always had a knack for rendering. I am in the beginning of my art career. I create because it is rewarding to help others feel. I have attended the Academy of Art University via online classes. I also take classes at the Hot Shops here in Omaha. God graced me by giving me talent and passion for the same thing. Explore, discover, forgive and create.