Ray Duarte

Visual Art – Kansas City

~Pain is an interesting emotion. It seeps through the cracks of your subconscious with the utmost devotion~ The lines you\'ve writ, with drawn bridges slit, leaves you alone in man made bottomless pit. It\'s fine for awhile til dawn rises tomorrow; while the grief of your choice leaves you without a voice, knee deep in sorrow. You sit, you hate, while the past will contemplate... the noises in your head. Too much to take. So all left to do is wait. The candle burns in the direction of fate. Answers come, when you deserve to go. Too difficult for some. How could you know? So prepare for the worse. Your salvation; a thirst. Quenched first by desires of longevity which releases the verse of relinquishing captivity; of your mind, your soul, and what others may find... in you. So, I ask this too, what would you do?~ I have been drawing since I could hold a crayon. As a child my favorite color was black and to this day it remains my constant within the variables of mediums and techniques. I\'ve been using a morbid style for as long as I can remember but that doesn\'t define who I am as a person. I just enjoy finding the beauty in all things. The less obvious the beauty, the more rewarding it is to discover it.