Accessories – New Orleans

MI name is Unique, one of Universes Rose's picked to become a ripple. Born in Nairobi, Kenya and Mother Teresa blessed my past home, also known as my mother’s womb. ☺️ Single mother of two amazing peace’s of art. Asante Uni. My lovely daughters are amazing. Currently a teacher at Adinkra NOLA. Logophile, holistic researcher and wealth inspirer. Which is an awesome experience in it's own. I have named my art "MIamani". Amaini means "peace" in Kiswahili. MIamani is one way I am able to spread/share MI peace. I would say I'm a peacefilled BEing. This creative journey began roughly 3.5 years ago and i forever appreciate this abundant walk in prosperity. I had no idea i was capable of any of these sorts. This has been a boost and self confidence and awareness.