
Fashion – Baltimore

I am a screen printer, fashion designer and graphic designer. I satisfy my interest in all these fields by designing, printing and styling t-shirts along with women\'s clothing that I also design and sew. I have a Bachelor\'s degree in graphic design and a Associate degree in fashion studies. I taught myself how to screen print after my college years and am continuing to grow my skills in that area. I consider myself a little quirky, nerdy. I have always been a little different from the norm. It use to bother me more in my younger years but I have come to learn to love the \"quirks\" about myself. How I admire the finest details in weird places. I am Baltimore born and raised 30 year old. I love my city. Its the underdog in some ways... people overlook it. I love it for that... Its a hidden treasure. I am about two months in since I have dedicated myself solely to my art and brand. My time is set to create, promote and sell my artwork.