Kelsey Kriss

Visual Art – Tulsa

I am 23 years old, and have adored art in any form since I was a little girl. I have been an anxious person since I can remember. I have always been very high strung, but it was more than that, and the anxiety became paralyzing as I grew up. In the past few years I discovered that art calms me down. When I am painting, drawing, doodling, creating, my mind quiets down and I become absorbed in my work. I love to create because of this, and developed an interest in calligraphy. I love the movement of the letters, and even the scratch of the pen. I believe that art makes me a better person. I have lived in tulsa for a little over two years and I have met amazing people and have found a home. I have found a passion through which I am beginning to find myself. Creativity, imagination, and the ability to love has done that for me.