Justin Crake

Visual Art – Dallas - Fort Worth

I was born and lived in South Africa until I moved to the US and Dallas, Texas 18 years ago. I have been painting and drawing for as long as I have been able to hold a crayon or paint brush.  As you can probably tell (and I hope it is pretty obvious), the major influences in my art are Pop Art, Graphic Art and Japanese Anime/Manga Art. ​ I consider my ability to work with color my biggest talent and hopefully this is obvious in most of my art. I am often asked: "Why do you paint in that style?", "What is the deeper meaning in your art?", "What statement are you trying to make?" or "What were you feeling when you painted it?" so here are the answers: ​ I would think the answer to the first question is pretty obvious, I paint in this style because I really love the aesthetics of it. Honestly, I am not a tortured artist trying to release my inner demons and bare my soul through my work, in fact I am a very shallow artist with little subtlety or deeper meaning in my art, what you see on the canvas is usually what it is. The statement I am usually trying to make is "Look at Me! - I am Big, Bold and Beautiful" and most of the time I am doing a painting my feelings are running along the lines of "I hope this looks as cool as I think it does" and accordingly the immediate response I am hoping to elicit from the viewer is "Damn, That's So Cool!" I am a graphic artist at heart and for me personally, it is all about the "WOW" factor. I design and paint most of my art with one goal in mind: Grab the viewers attention immediately by making the biggest visual impact possible, after that if their reaction is "Damn, that's So Cool", that is fantastic as we all love validation but if their response is "I don't get it, it sucks", that is fine too because they have still taken notice of my art, and thought about it long enough to come to that decision. I could think of nothing worse than someone looking at my art and having little to no reaction. So, I hope I got your attention and that your response is "Damn, that's So Cool" :) ​ ​