Insideout J. Fried

Visual Art – San Diego

Bio Space ships fighting dinosaurs were some of my first creations around age 7. That lasted till about age 9, and then I didn’t create another piece for about 30 years. I began to recognize my deep passion and love for art work and artists while on Grateful dead tour in the early 90s. I would stare at a piece of art and have a shift of consciousness, where space and time would disappear. It was an experience I loved, was passionate about, and wanted to share. I began to collect art, and then opened an art gallery in Seattle with the Synchro mystic. A tight group of like minded friends and I then started the inter-dimensional art movement unified. It started with my close friend Roman Villagrana my self, and Jen Ingrahm. We began having shows and events all over the world. We brought together and unified a tribe of amazing beautiful creators! We started the movement with Roman villagrana, Mark Henson, Alex Gray, Allison Gray, Roberto Venosa, Martina Hoffman, Xavi, Luke Brown, Andrew Jones, Amanda Sage, J Garcia, Cary Thompson, Kris Kukski, and many many more. Many became very well known and are legends in the art world today. I believe we are art. Each and every one of us are creating our masterpiece with every thought, movement, and action; collaborating in the great creation. I love the excitement of exploring new ideas, materials, and techniques. I hope to share and pass along, through my art, some of the magic, gifts and experiences that I’ve had through art and creativity! Check out the amazing artwork of Natalie Avery